Solar O&M Insider blog

Reduce Secondary Market Risk

Lessons learned in the Italian solar secondary market help investors utilize due diligence phase operations and maintenance expertise to hedge...

Solar Speaks: O&M Podcast

Originally appeared on Solar Power World Magazine. Asset management is a buzzword in today’s solar industry. But what does it really mean and how...

Insights RenDays Milan

By Emanuele Tacchino, Italy Country Manager, Alectris The Renewable Energy Days event producers recently hosted two events assembling leading...

EU vs US Solar O&M Insights

This article originally appeared on “In Europe, the requirements for an O&M contractor are much stricter than the...

Farming the Sun

The Camilla Story from Greenshortz on Vimeo. "The Camilla Story" captures behind the scenes insights from local Camilla, GA  government...

One Resolution to Solar Profits

Reprint by permission:  Solar Power World If you are a solar plant owner, developer or investor there is one New Year’s resolution you can make...

SPG Europe: Speaker Insights

Reprint by permission:  SPG Europe Interview of Vassilis Papaeconomou, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Alectris Please provide a brief...